WOW, again! What a difference from the first Cadette Essentials I taught, not that long ago, where no troop had taken a Journey, only a few troops had transitioned to the new requirements, and few troops were embracing the GSLE (Girl Scout Leadership Essentials) model.
NOW, the purposeful leadership, the letting it be girl led and the Journey leadership experience are part of everyone's lexicon! PLUS, everyone was ready for the new red Cadette Guide that has the new badges, all the awards for this age group, Silver Award requirements and other great GS information. It's a shame that all these binders aren't available right this moment, but I don't think that's going to stop any of these leaders. The suggestion was made to just start a Journey, and when the Girl Guides become readily available, start using them. Yes!
We also talked about how they have THREE years of Cadettes. There is NO RUSH to get a Journey and a Silver Award done in the first 10 minutes!!! Depending on age and maturity, it could take a good half to full year to get the girls up to speed with Cadette life. New government structure, new ledger accounting (if they choose it), new LIA opportunities, new leadership role, etc. Let the girls decide was the mantra for the training. We leaders provide the structure and support to let this happen.
Of course, everyone knew that it wouldn't happen over night! It's a process, and since this is Girl Scouts, I'd ask how to measure this? I'm sure everyone would have said that the best measure would be when the leader sits in her chair in the back of the room, and watches the girls lead the meeting, make strong decisions and take the lead.
Truly, I am so proud of these leaders and wish them every success with their girls. A big thank you to them for their enthusiasm and commitment. And thank you to all our volunteers who provide such great support for all our Cadette girls. It just does my heart good!