The roots of true achievement
lie in the will to become
the best that you can become.
- Harold Taylor, Politician, Manitoba, Canada
I like teaching the Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) classes for council. Because one of the things I get to talk about is having every girl be a leader in her own life. We all want our girls to stand up on their own two feet and make healthy and informed decisions for themselves. To be their BEST!
And one way the GSLE program encourage them to develop leadership skills is by giving them different things to work at and goals to achieve. To start, the badges do that! They present the opportunity for the girl to achieve a goal and develop skills. The Journey path gives them a menu of opportunity to use these skills as they move forward: setting goals and selling cookies, planning camping trips, earning the LIA working with Brownies, etc. Each piece of the Journey gives the girls the opportunity to achieve some success.
So, as they move through Cadettes, they are building their skills, experiencing new things, working together to achieve goals, and taking a Journey to use these developing leadership skills. As the girls earn badges and complete tasks, we hope that they understand that these are the building blocks of who they are going to be! And we hope that they understand and embrace the opportunity to do their best, and be the best they can be.
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