Friday, February 24, 2012

Come Alive!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-- Dr. Harold Whitman (Howard Thurman) (1899-1981) American author, philosopher, civil rights leader

We had an Older Girl Committee Meeting the other night, and one of the things we talked about was passion.  I think that's what Dr. Whitman was speaking about.  What is going to make the girl come alive?  What interest does she have that sparks her interest, and causes her to want to take on a Silver or Gold Award Project?  How can she use her passion to make change in the world?

At a Cadette Essentials training, one leader talked about how her older daughter was so enthused about her Silver Award Project. She could talk about it, say who was doing what, talk up her role and use all that contagious energy to rally like minded people around her.  This is in contrast to her younger daughter who was very disinterested in the Silver Award Project that the troop had picked.  The girls were doing it as a team (old requirements, I'd bet) and the project voted the most popular, is the one they were all going to do together.

But it was something the younger daughter really had no interest in. She was so despondent about the whole thing, that her Mom offered to be the Silver Advisor for the troop. What a change that made for the girl!  She was able to opt out of the group project and pursue her own passion.  It sounds like the change was remarkable!  This little girl was able to come alive with the new project. I'm hoping she had a GREAT Take Action Project, and that she found a team to lead and work, exciting them with her passion for the cause.

Let's continue to help the girl find her passion so that she can come alive, and make the world a better place. That's our job!

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